Sunday, September 12, 2010


Well it's been quite a while, but I finally made some progress on my skeleton project. Unfortunately it wasn't actually part of the skeleton, but something is better than nothing. It's hard to get back into a project after a break. Here's the main piece of furniture for the room environment. Still have to add handles and make some refinements, but didn't take too long to throw it together. If you've been to my apartment, you might notice that this is basically my desk with a mirror on top.

I only have a bit more than a month left on this "competition" and even if I don't finish my initial plan, I want to get a finished animation out of it.

In non-CG life, I made short work of The Lost World for my August book, I read almost all of it in two or three days (yes, that's fast for me at this stage), so now I'm going to finish This is Your Brain on Music for my September book (I didn't actually read a book in August, Pilgrim's Regress took so long, so I'm sorta playing catchup).

Last weekend when I was on vacation, I got to play with my dad's pro macro lens, which was lots of fun. I'm not very good at it yet, but I kinda liked this pic I got of a little spider. Five points if you can guess what substrate it was climbing over. Click for a bigger image - this is still cropped and resized from the original.

Hopefully updates will be more frequent in the coming weeks. Thanks for reading!


  1. Wow....great shot. Nice lighting (brings out the details in the hairy legs). Nice smooth background. I also like the subtle colours of the abdomen. Technically strong and a great composition - including placement of the spider, the strong diagonal lines, etc.

  2. For those still wondering about the mystery item, it is an avocado. :)
