As I mentioned in my previous post, one of my goals this summer is to produce a large number of sketches, without worrying about the end results. Some will be finished-ish, others will be very rough and incomplete. Not worrying about how "good" they may be frees me up to experiment, stay loose, learn a broader variety of techniques, be creative, and most importantly, have fun. So without further ado, here's a couple screenies from my first sketch in Z. Based on the scary barnacles in the half-life video games.
This last image is called an "alpha" and it's used to pull out surface detail on sculptures. I drew it in PS to make the little barnacle shells on the big barnacle. You'll notice that white gets pulled out, and black is left at the same depth.
That's really cool. I see a lot of progress and potential represented in these three pieces. Keep it up and keep posting. :)