Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Scoutin' on Sculptris

So despite the fact that I've got 5 hours of dissection tomorrow, I figured I could take a bit of time this evening and try to get a bit more familiar with the sculptris program. I have to say that it's a very fun program and not very hard to get to grips with. If you've never done any 3D computer stuff, I might dare say this may be the program to start off with. It's got about 9 tools, and a handful of options (brush size, strength) and that's about all you have to deal with. This was my first attempt in an hour or two. You might recognize it as the scout from Team Fortress 2.

It's also got a painting module, but I haven't given that a try yet. Maybe tomorrow after I've had my first go at real dissection (yikes...).

I also got 25 likes on facebook, which means that I can reserve the URL and you can now find biocinematics at

This first week has been pretty tiring so far and only ~half done. Phew.


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