Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Small raptor update

Got a bit further on the raptor, adding some definition to the arms, legs and body as well as just starting extruding parts of the head. Bit of an odd process so far with the head, but we'll see where it goes.

Had a fun class yesterday, making a collage over an old calendar landscape, adding elements that fit with the foreground, midground and background. Here's something you might not have thought about: typically things get lighter in value and less saturated, the further away they are. It's called aerial perspective, caused by particles/moisture in the air. Also learned how to do 3-point perspective, which was interesting, 2 points on the horizon and one point on a vertical line. Still don't know how to figure out where these vanishing points are in real life.

Hope your week is going well.


  1. we want to see a picture of the collage etc :)

  2. The scanner's broken and it's not big enough anyway, but I might post my text collage...
