Saturday, May 1, 2010

Storyboard Template

I just fiddled around in Illustrator this afternoon for a while and drew up a 16:9 storyboard template.

Edit -  22 June 2011: This storyboard template seems to get a fair number of page views, which is great. Feel free to download, use, and share a link to this blog post. Here's the downloadable pdf.
The only criteria are that you don't redistribute it under your own name or at a cost, and if you're feeling generous, sign up for Dropbox using my referral. Also, I'd be thrilled if you posted a link or comment on what you used the template for in the comments. I encourage the sharing of creative tools where appropriate.

(Original post cont'd) So I'm going to use this to figure out how I'm going to do an animation for a DT monthly challenge. I'm going to work on it while I sort out how to start my daunting genescreen animation project. I've used GQueues (a google web-app for creating and managing to-do type lists) to start sketching out what will be required and it's getting pretty huge.

Back to the animation challenge, it's basically animating a light ball and a heavy ball across a chasm. Should be fun. I've got a few ideas so far. Will be updating with links to playblasts (rough animation) on youtube hopefully in the coming week.

Have a great rest of the weekend!


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