Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Keep on walkin'

And that brings me to the end of project number 2! I didn't post anything from project 1; it was pretty basic stuff and the end result was unimpressive, and I wasn't doing this blog yet. I got delgo walkin' along pretty well. It was pretty easy to follow along with directions to make the various joints in the various positions. Oh yeah, and all the rigging stuff made it wayyy easier to do all the animating, even though I was griping about it... ah well.

I'll see if I can post a short video of the walk cycle, but I'm not exactly sure yet the best way to render short animations with decent quality and not too huge of a file. I'll figure something out. But first I'm gonna head back to some modeling, and put together a little catapult thing in project 3 using NURBS (non-uniform rational b-splines if you didn't know... I think Daryl might have mentioned that in a comment somewheres...). Here we go!



  1. This calls for a Biocinematics Youtube channel...

  2. Haha, maybe when I get a few more vids done... :)
