Sunday, March 1, 2009

Finshed character modeling

So I'm pretty much done the straight modeling (and I've just realized that modeling has only one l, sorry) of this delgo character. I'm not that happy with how the head turned out, but I didn't want to spend too much time on it as I'm still just learning the various tools. Apparently it's bad form to have polygons with 3 or 5 or more sides (quads only, please), and I'm really bad at creating edge loops that allow me to do that. The rational for that is that it makes further modeling and animation easier. I'll have to pick up some tips along the way to help me in that particular area. So I'd be happy to hear what you think about this delgo geometry here. There's some bumps around where the clothes should be starting and stopping if you look very hard. In the next section I'll be just painting the clothes on, and I didn't really realize that, so it does look a bit funny.

Next stop, some colour hopefully.

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